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By Nikki Gajoo Frielinghaus |

Every January, as the new year unfolds its promises and resolutions, I find myself entangled in a recurring financial drama, one that not only drains my bank account but also echoes the silent battles within my financial psyche. This isn’t just a story about late rent payments or the challenges of property management; it’s a journey of profound self-discovery and empowerment through the lens and power of Money Coaching.

Money Archetypes:

Imagine uncovering the hidden forces shaping your financial destiny, forces known as Money Archetypes. From the passive shadows of the Martyr, the Innocent, the Victim, and the Fool, to the assertive might of the Warrior, and the transformative magic of the Magician. This story I’m about to tell is about mastering these money archetypes within us all. Join me as we delve into a narrative that’s not just mine, but could very well be yours, offering a map to navigate and harness the archetypical energies that influence our financial paths.



For over a decade, my journey in personal wealth creation has been anchored by two residential properties within my investment portfolio. The properties are managed by reputable managing agents yet, every January, like clockwork, I encounter the same challenge: a tenant’s rent is not paid. The beginning of 2023 was no different, highlighting a recurring theme that paying rent in January often takes a backseat to other financial obligations for some tenants. One tenant paid the rental but the other could “not afford to pay the rental” for the month. Other priorities like school fees, school uniforms or the festive season bills take greater priority. I am also certain that my situation is not uncommon and there are other landlords or ladies reading this post who can relate to me.

No Money

Historically, in such situations, my response was shaped by less empowering money archetypes: the Martyr, the Innocent, the Victim, and the Fool. This passive stance led to repeated losses, as unpaid rents accumulated, and no legal action was taken. This pattern wasn’t just a financial disaster; it was a mirror reflecting my own recurring money patterns over the last decade. However, the narrative took a pivotal turn this January. I decided to shift from passive to assertive Money Archetypes, sidelining my Martyr, Innocent, Victim, and Fool archetypes in favour of my Warrior. With the aid of my property management team, I embarked on the legal path to enforce the rent payment. Despite the slow grind of the legal system in my country and the looming legal expenses, my focus was clear: to confront and transform my enduring money pattern.

Armoured Warrior

This transformation was sparked by my introduction to Money Coaching and its four-step core process, which empowered me to recognize and alter my financial behaviour and emotional responses. The transition from passive archetypes to the Warrior, and the anticipation of the Magician archetype aiding in future endeavours, signifies a profound change. It’s a move towards ensuring that my tenants, both present and future, understand and honour their commitments to rent payments.

This tale isn’t just mine; it echoes the experiences of many property owners and serves as a beacon for introspection. It’s an invitation to dive deep into your financial psyche, identify your dominant Money Archetype, and uncover the repeating patterns that may be holding back your financial growth. Recognizing whether you’re living under the shadow of the Martyr, the Innocent, the Victim, or the Fool, or whether you’re ready to summon your inner Warrior or Magician can be transformative.

Deep Introspection

Let this blog post serve as a catalyst for you to explore and embrace your Money Archetype. By doing so, you’re not just altering a financial pattern; you’re taking a bold step towards rewriting your financial destiny. Discover which archetype is currently #trending in your life and leverage this insight for a more empowered and financially secure future.

If you require any assistance in uncovering your money patterns and identifying your money archetypes, contact us here on [email protected], this blog is also available on our Medium account at: Medium Article