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As humans we are absolutely fascinating beings. It is with great interest and curiosity I observe how people go from “living their best lives ever” over the December holiday period to becoming despondent “worriers” in January.

So who are the Janu”worriers”? This is a term I created (or so I hope), to describe people whose worry in January is linked to their stressful emotions around their financial situation. During December it is easy to catch the festive vibes and end up over spending or over extending oneself financially if you are not disciplined. I have been in this situation in the past and can certainly relate. The expenses for January don’t pause or disappear because you no longer have a positive bank balance. January is also the start of the schooling year for kids which also brings with it the joy of paying for school fees (if not paid towards the end of the previous year), uniform and stationery costs. January is also the month that “worriers” debit orders bounce back due to insufficient funds in their bank accounts. Microlenders and Banks have packaged their marketing campaigns for January around calling up clients to offer loans in the hope that they get hold of a Janu”worrier” who has been waiting for this call or text message with great anticipation. The Janu”worriers” accept these loans as their lifeline and a short term solution to their financial stress. In the long term they are increasing their debt and also impacting their monthly budget with an additional financial commitment. Payday arrives. FINALLY! What a relief for the Janu”worriers”. The looooooong month is over. The years flies by and cycle repeats itself in December and January.

If you resonate with the Janu”worrier” or know of Janu”worriers”, I have good news. The cycle can be broken. During the Money Coaching four step core process I assist client’s identity their negative money patterns. By the end of the process, a client will be aware of all negative money patterns, the origin of these patterns, understand their own money archetype(s) and have tools to transform their money story. The Warrior archetype is an archetype that many aspire to become. When you work with me, I will assist you to activate and strengthen your Warrior archetype and other highly beneficial archetypes too.

You have a choice. Will you continue being a Janu”worrier” or are you ready to become a Janu”warrior” and slay this ongoing negative money cycle. When you are ready, contact to explore further.