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By Nikki Gajoo Frielinghaus |
How are you showing up to #National Savings month?
July is a busy month with #National Savings month and Mandela Day as key dates to diarize in your July calendar. There are many informative articles linked to Savings Month which are currently trending.
As I read through the articles, I find myself wondering what type of emotions these articles invoke within the reader. My assumption is that readers are either confident and comforted knowing that they are on the right track in relation to their savings goals OR readers are nervous, anxious, or uncomfortable because they know that these articles are “directly speaking to them and calling them out”. So, let’s explore the money Archetypes and how they are showing up in readers’ lives.
For starters, the Victim archetype reading #National Savings month articles dialogue is “Oh no! Poor me. I don’t earn enough so I’m unable to save” OR “Oh No! Poor me, the cost of living in South Africa is so high, I’m not making ends meet and I don’t have enough money to pay bills let alone saving for any goals”. Blah blah blah.
The Innocent archetype is reading the #National Savings month article and their dialogue is “I’m emigrating soon so I will start saving in my new country of residence” OR “I am so stressed out reading these articles because they tend to imply that I am not saving enough, and I don’t want to end up on the streets or a similar financial position to my parents…”. The Fool archetypes dialogue is refreshing as the fool is thinking “I will make my way to the casino this weekend and win some money on the roulette table or the slot machines. Cest la vie” OR “I have recently invested in a hot share tip recommended by a renowned Financial Guru, and I will be making a 1000% return in less than 6 months’ time”. Why bother saving monthly when my pay day is on its way”.
As a Certified Money Coach (CMC), when working with clients, I utilize money archetypes or money personalities which are part of the core step money coaching process. With the aid of a Money quiz to support the cores step process, I can determine clients’ active and passive money archetypes and demonstrate to a client how these archetypes are showing up in their lives and coming from their daily thoughts, emotions, and behaviors around money. In addition, I share strategies with clients to assist them start shifting their negative money thoughts, emotions, and behaviors into a more positive desirable archetype such as the Warrior archetype.
If you are curious to discover which Money Archetype is contributing towards your feelings and emotions around #National Savings Day, check out our complementary money archetype quiz accompanied with a complimentary 30-minute Money archetype session to unpack your active archetype – Click here to try the Money Quiz!
#Happy National Savings Month!